Colonial Kitchen Range


Colonial Kitchens are manufactured in a state of the art production facility in the Rossendale Valley in the heartlands of South East Lancashire. For the past seven decades Colonial Kitchens have grown from what started as a local joinery business into one of the

countries leading manufacturers of Kitchen furniture. Our kitchens offer the widest range of highly attractive furniture designs to make the most of your kitchen. The extensive and carefully thought out range offers the broadest range of door, drawer and glazed

unit sizes available enabling combinations to be created that will ensure your kitchen is attractive, functional and unique to you, doors are complimented by a range of tasteful handles. To add that finishing touch we offer a range of internal fitments and

accessories for you to create the perfect storage environment.

Sicilys Avola region produces bold, strong, rich wines on volcanic soil and is famed for its light fresh airy appeal. The Avola range of doors could be said to compliment each other yet independently cover the spectrum of hues from the rich red brown of Avola

Truffle, light washed pumice of the Avola Grey, the sparkling pinks of Avola Champagne to the strength of light irradiated by Avola White. Individually or integrated, the colour pallette affords the opportunity to create truly stunning kitchens.

If you are considering a new kitchen to update your home why not call us on 01273-628618 (option1) or visit us at our Brighton store where we can show you why Masterclass Kitchens are winning so many awards. We can offer a full design service and show you

what your most important room could look like using the latest computer imagery.

As the name suggests, Avola Grey is heavily structured, as if worn by natures oceans. The wild grain pattern, combined with deep texture and grey tones combine superbly well with the contrast of the calm Image Linea Grey Mist Gloss. The mixing of the gloss

unicolour, matt texture and timber finish is on trend and will remain so, for many years to come.

The Avola range of doors could be said to mirror this assertion, the colours complimenting each other yet independently cover the spectrum of hues from the rich red brown of Avola Truffle, light washed pumice of the Avola Grey, the sparkling pinks of Avola

Champagne to the strength of light irradiated by Avola White.

Caton Grey Mist

Caton Midnight Blue

Cologne Oyster. Warm, bright and accommodating of all tastes in decor, Cologne Oyster brings a soft edge to strong design.

Cologne Smooth White. Modern, uncompromising, the smooth White Cologne kitchen clears away any doubt who you are. Create sight lines, which add interest to the simple form of the Cologne door.

Flaxley Oyster. ight, bright and airy, the soft tones of this clean and modern styling make any house to be proud of whilst rejecting the rigours of life.

Haddington Fjord. Elegant, contemporary yet firmly based on traditional roots, the Ash timber Haddington door with vertical angled uprights is available in our full spectrum of painted finishes.

Haddington Jute. Elegant, contemporary yet firmly based on traditional roots, the Ash timber Haddington door with vertical angled uprights is available in Anthracite, Bleached Stone, Cream, Deep Lichen, Jute, Kashmir, Moss, Oyster, Pastel, Storm Grey & White.

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Click here to see the full Colonial range from our partner company JJO Kitchens